Friday 2 November 2012

Istanbul so much History so much Culture!

I was always fascinated about what Turkey had to offer... i dont know why but i guess it was because of the food and the people i really didnt know why i was so attracted to this country so i decided to go and see for myself. 

Istanbul here i come.... 

It was a short flight from London to Istanbul and once i landed everyone around me started clapping their hands because we were safe and sound on the ground! Hmmmm.... i was already beginning to like the people... 

The drive to the hotel was a very interesting drive, the taxi driver was extremely friendly when i asked him if we could stop to get a kebab he said he will take to the best kebabs in Istanbul... 
we stopped over at a corner cafe, he hopped out and got me one and ran in again, i guess it was illegal to park ... it was so yummy! Nice and hot and the cold weather complimented it. 

I arrived at my very nice hotel the crown plaza in the old city, i didnt expect to be so beautiful,everything was well designed and it looked really pretty. The streets outside was filled people and shops so it was nice to stay in an environment where there is so many locals. Breakfast in the morning was amazing. Such wide spread it was enough till dinner!! 

I found a local tour guide who was extremely helpful and was great company! He took me around the city and to old the famous spots and gave me the run down of the history of each place. The Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace.

The Blue Mosque was not BLUE though....but he did explain that in summer it does shade its blue because of the sun light that is shining through. The interior of the mosque was just amazing, the design and the work done on the insides of the dome makes you wonder how these people all those years ago were so creative and great at their work.... 

Lunch at the tower was really nice i tried turkish bread and of course my tour guide thought me how to drink Rakhi.... interesting flavour... but hard to swallow!!! 

Then we went to the Grand Bazaar, it was a great place where you can find anything and everything from souvenirs to carperts to small little tringklets. I got stuck at a carper shop they didnt want to go... they introduced to me turkish tea and had me sat there for a good 2 hours forcing to buy a carpet, although beautiful it was just not my thing. Thats really something that i didnt appreciate at all they harassed you and became forceful to a point when you just snap and say no!!!!


I decided no more bazaar for me.... i then went on to the Bosphoros ... the Istanbul Bhogazi .... it was a really nice sight... watching all the vessels going up and down was really something to look at and the view of the bridge was a nice one too. 

The Bosphoros Cruise was not to be missed... dinner together a dance show... belly dancing.... it was so much fun! I had a ball and also tried to dance like a belly dancer to no avail! hahaha! 

I Visited a few islands as well and i had a great time on the ferry and the views were just stunning.... it was peaceful just watching the birds in the sky.... it was free falling i must say. My favorite was The Princes island. 

I even went to a fresh fish market and it was really nice to see all sorts of fish.... later on i ended at the spice market too and bought a lot of spices back.... really a great experience. 

The food was really good at all the restaurants i tried and to compliment the food there was always music... and it was live. It was really good to listen to traditional and local music and i felt like dancing all the time....  

The biggest city in the world... but everyone was so warm and helpful.... i would really come back again..... 


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